Saturday, October 20, 2007

Harry Potter News for Last Week!!!

The filming of the sixth movie started on September 17,2007 and is scheduled to be released on Novermber 21, 2008. Another set of J.K. Rowling's autographed books have been put up for auction by the national brail press for the hands on books for blind children charity. The Order of the Phoenix movie is now the world's sixth highest earning film accumulating a 933.9 million dollars worldwide, sorcerer's stone is at no. 4 with 976.5 million. The fifth film has surpassed globet of fire's sales of 219, 013, 036 dollars earning it itself 290, 189, 393 dollars. The 11 year old nephew of Voldemort actor Ralph Fiennes is set to be cast as young Tom Riddler in the sixth movie. J.K. Rowling's wizard of this month is Harry Potter. Last month's wizard was Albus Dumbledore.
Other questions J.K. was asked on the open book tour:
>Which of the HP characters would you marry?
*"The truth is, in my younger days, I dated Ron more than once." "I married Harry Potter," referring to her second husband, Neil Murray. "He's up there [in the wings]. I just mortified him," she laughed. "But he looks like Harry would look like, at a certain age. I married a very good person and a gutsy person. And that's who Harry is."
>For those who think Harry and Hermione should be together, here's the reason:
*Fans might think that's even more reason why Hermione should end up with Harry — but Rowling said she always knew that Ron and Hermione were meant to be together, just as she thought Harry and Ginny were meant to be together. "I thought it was obvious, but apparently there are Internet wars about this," she said. "And they get very vicious." Rowling said she was unaware of the shipping wars for years, until someone suggested she take a look at the fan sites. "It was scary!" So many readers wanted Hermione and Harry to be a couple, Rowling said, that "I got hate mail ... from adults! Not people your age. You at least understood."
And for those who didn't, she explained. "Harry and Ginny are real soul mates," she said. "They're both very strong and very passionate. That's their connection, and they're remarkable together. Ron and Hermione, however, are drawn to each other because they balance each other out. Hermione's got the sensitivity and maturity that's been left out of Ron, and Ron loosens up Hermione a bit, gets her to have some fun. They love each other and they bicker a bit, but they enjoy bickering, so we shouldn't worry about it."
> Is Draco Malfoy really evil or was he just acting that way because he was afraid?
*Rowling clarified that she thought he was a lot like Dudley, Harry's cousin — "raised as a pampered only son, indoctrinated with his parent's beliefs." The moment Draco got what he thought he wanted, to become a Death Eater, and given a mission by Lord Voldemort, as he did in "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," reality finally hit him, Rowling said, because his dream was "so very different."
>If Draco would have committed murder?
*"My answer is no," Rowling said. "I don't think he would. He had lowered his wand. He was prepared to come over to Dumbledore's side. I hope you see that there's some of that same feeling in Book Seven, when he does try to protect Harry. But he's in too deep. Like a lot of characters, he's not a hero. There's a real moral cowardice to Draco. But is he wholly bad? Absolutely not."
Same with Dudley, whom Rowling imagined would have awkward reunions with Harry over the years. "I've never been asked that either!" Rowling said when a 16-year-old 12th-grader wondered if the two would ever see each other again. "Harry and Dudley would still see each other enough to be on Christmas-card terms, but they would visit more out of a sense of duty and sit in silence so that their children could see their cousins." Which means Dudley actually gets to the point where someone besides his parents would find him loveable? "People usually ask me, what is it that Dudley saw during the Dementor attack?" Rowling said. "My feeling is that he saw himself, exactly for what he was, and for a boy that spoiled, it would be terrifying. So he was jolted out of it. Dementor attacks aren't usually good for people, but this one was."
>Did Dumbledore ever really did love Harry, or was he just manipulating him so that he would sacrifice himself in the end?
*"Dumbledore did like Harry, and as he got to know him, he became like a son to him. But I wanted you to question Dumbledore. It is right to question him, because he was treating people like puppets, and he was asking Harry to do a job that most men twice his age wouldn't have been able to do." But if Harry had all the information, he likely would have been tempted into doing something else, so he had to trust Dumbledore, who ultimately did guide him to do the right thing, Rowling said.
***Having magic doesn't make anything easier, she said. "If everyone were given a wand ...," she started. "... The world would be strangely similar," she continued. "Because nearly everyone, and not just because you're Harry Potter fans, would want to use it for good, to have fun, to look after their friends and family. But a small number would think, 'What's in it for me?' And that's the dark side of human nature, which remains the same whether you have a wand or not. We'd have exactly the same problems. Cruelty. Bigotry. Oppression. That's what Harry's fighting against. Not magic."
Congratulations for making it to the end, i know it's long but you know more about HP than a lot of people. XOXO

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Please Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Luna Lovegood- Karissa
  • Harry Potter- Liana
  • Tonks- Mishey
  • Hermonie- Jesse
  • Hedwig- Jackie
  • Fred- Josh
  • George- Charlie
  • Ginny
  • Lubin
  • Ron Weasley
  • Draco Malfoy
  • Dumbledor
  • Sirius
  • Hagrid
  • Snape
  • Dobbie
  • Kreacher
  • Ok...If you remember any other Characters Leave a post please



All Of the Books

All Of the Books

Harry goes nude!!!!

Harry goes nude!!!!
Daniel Randcliff (Harry)


Luna Lovegood


Ron Weasley



They are all Here

They are all Here



The Three Main Characters

The Three Main Characters



Harry Potter Review

Harry Potter Review
With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling has created a lovely conclusion to her astonishing seven-book series. Ironically, amid all the hysteria and hoopla, the rumors, the leaks, the overheated theories, Hallows provides a calm ending to a global sensation that has made millions of children and adults happy.But Hallows is a serious novel that traces Harry's inescapable embrace of adulthood with all its responsibilities, doubts and burdens. For this wizard, that burden basically involves saving the world.
The plot centers on Harry's struggle to lead the battle against the Dark Lord, Voldemort, now that Harry's beloved Hogwarts' Headmaster Albus Dumbledore is no longer with us.
Harry must wrestle with life's big issues: How should he define courage, whom can he trust, how much should he allow others — old friends like Ron, Hermione, Neville Longbottom, and Remus Lupin — to sacrifice for him? (Think Frodo in Lord of the Rings.)

My Review For This Movie!!!

My Review For This Movie!!!
I did not Like The Fifth Movie. It is good
if you didn't read the
Book but if you did it sucks
balls. This book is the longest book
pages) But this is the shortes movie so far........It doesnt
explain any thing ........Ewwwww!!!!!! Why ruin a great book!!!!!