Tuesday, November 20, 2007

British School turns to Harry Potter

When schools begin to slack off in academic achievement, who do they turn to? One school in Nottingham, England went to Harry Potter and came up with the idea of Potter-themed classes. The theme-based approach has catalyzed a dizzying rise in academic achievement at Robert Mellors. Three years ago it was at the bottom quarter of English schools; it has since leaped into the top 25%. A September visit from Ofsted, England's educational inspection body, yielded a rating of "outstanding," and special kudos were given for the school's ability to mentor pupils with learning disabilities or behavioral problems. "The school recognizes that pupils will only be successful if lessons are stimulating," the report said.Hopefully this article may inspire some other schools who are looking to improve their students' participation.

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Welcome to Harry Potter Freaks!!!!!!!
Please Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Luna Lovegood- Karissa
  • Harry Potter- Liana
  • Tonks- Mishey
  • Hermonie- Jesse
  • Hedwig- Jackie
  • Fred- Josh
  • George- Charlie
  • Ginny
  • Lubin
  • Ron Weasley
  • Draco Malfoy
  • Dumbledor
  • Sirius
  • Hagrid
  • Snape
  • Dobbie
  • Kreacher
  • Ok...If you remember any other Characters Leave a post please



All Of the Books

All Of the Books

Harry goes nude!!!!

Harry goes nude!!!!
Daniel Randcliff (Harry)


Luna Lovegood


Ron Weasley



They are all Here

They are all Here



The Three Main Characters

The Three Main Characters



Harry Potter Review

Harry Potter Review
With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling has created a lovely conclusion to her astonishing seven-book series. Ironically, amid all the hysteria and hoopla, the rumors, the leaks, the overheated theories, Hallows provides a calm ending to a global sensation that has made millions of children and adults happy.But Hallows is a serious novel that traces Harry's inescapable embrace of adulthood with all its responsibilities, doubts and burdens. For this wizard, that burden basically involves saving the world.
The plot centers on Harry's struggle to lead the battle against the Dark Lord, Voldemort, now that Harry's beloved Hogwarts' Headmaster Albus Dumbledore is no longer with us.
Harry must wrestle with life's big issues: How should he define courage, whom can he trust, how much should he allow others — old friends like Ron, Hermione, Neville Longbottom, and Remus Lupin — to sacrifice for him? (Think Frodo in Lord of the Rings.)

My Review For This Movie!!!

My Review For This Movie!!!
I did not Like The Fifth Movie. It is good
if you didn't read the
Book but if you did it sucks
balls. This book is the longest book
pages) But this is the shortes movie so far........It doesnt
explain any thing ........Ewwwww!!!!!! Why ruin a great book!!!!!